Tuesday, December 3, 2013

The Unwanted

Week Twenty: The halfway point of a pregnancy, I am 17 cm long, I am moving around, I can hear and recognize my mommy’s voice; my heart can even be heard from a stethoscope. 
Week Thirty Eight: I am considered full term. I am ready to meet my mommy. I am breathing on my own and I am seven and a half pounds of innocence.
Not many people are aware of this, but according to The Guttmacher Institute, 1.2 MILLION of babies around the world, so far along in their growth and development, so full of life in this home the mother has for them, get aborted. 1.2 million deaths are a huge amount, and to think, is that even humane? We put people away for murder for one person, but the deaths of 1.2 million innocent babies is legal in all 50 states no matter what time in the trimester. Is the baby causing you heartburn? Is the baby waking you up at night? Is it just not a good time to put any care for something other than yourself? Oh, let’s just get rid of it then, no big deal. The disgust I feel towards this is an immense amount, because these children are already attached to their mother, without even knowing who she is. They are full of life, they did not choose to come into this world, and to be allowed to get rid of a fully developed child right before giving birth and it being legal is not humane under any circumstance. Many people who are pro legal abortionists say that “personhood begins at birth, not conception” and that abortion is the termination of a pregnancy, not a baby. If a tiny human being, moving around, hiccuping, has each and every body part and organ that a "born" bay does, and is not considered life, then I don’t know what is. The reason this should not be legal is because if you do not want a child, you should learn to use contraceptives to avoid unwanted pregnancies, let alone this late in one's trimester. One should already have made the commitment to carry this child until birth if one is still pregnant. I do not believe in abortions at all, unless it is the case of rape, or incest, and if that is the case, then to perform the abortion as early as possible so the child doesn't develop more. There is always the alternative where the mother is willing to go through with the pregnancy and allow that child a great life with wonderful adoptive parents, and if so, that’s amazing.
A main concern in making abortion illegal is the increase in unsafe “black-alley” abortions that cause many maternal deaths each year in countries that don’t have access to professionally-performed abortions. This is a big concern, because if you don’t have access to safe abortion clinics, people are going to seek them elsewhere, but again comes the idea of contraceptives and why people are not using them if they did not want this pregnancy to begin with. It’s hard to understand how these people who have no health reason for aborting, have the heart to go through with such a thing when they feel the kicks of their child and movements daily, know the sex of their child, have images of what the child looks like and still have no heart for a change in mind. Something many of us believe is if abortion, mainly late term abortion was made illegal, I don’t believe there would be an increase any different than now due to legal providers performing unsafe abortions either way. There are different countries that have pro-life policies and also good health outcomes. I would hope that if this situation came to these measures, where abortion is illegal, that they would seek help elsewhere since there are many places that offer assistance to pregnant women, instead of risking their own life which is obviously a pretty unintelligent decision I would say.
Abortion is and will continue to be a huge controversial topic no matter what; I just hope that America realizes how bad it has become. In Germany, they have a museum of body parts of people killed during the holocaust, as well as other things during that time on display; what if America had abortion utensils, as well as tiny children who were aborted on display? Is that what it would take for people to realize that this is murder? I guess we will never know. Click here

Boehner please leave the office

                It is a clear picture even a blind man can see; that John Boehner on 113th Congress being least productive ever. House Speaker John Boehner dismissed the idea that this congress is the least productive in history. Boehner said if anyone’s to blame for congressional inaction, it’s the Senate. With all due respect Mr. Boehner get the fuck about off office. Nobody got time for kids to play the “he did it, she did it” game. We need somebody in control. We need someone to take charge. The government was shut down for god sake; all because the congress could not make up their mind on how to spend the money they don’t have, in the process the lost millions of dollars they could have made. You let go of millions of workers, which in some families’ case could be the deference between a hungry stomach and a full stomach. Instead of cutting those people’s wages you should have cut the income of the congress people so that might lead you to get things done faster. So stop pointing fingers towards the senate and fix the inter problem with in the congress before you lead this country to ruins. The 2014 calendar for the House shows members will work 113 days, down from 126 days in 2013, my question is why? Why are we still electing this people they should be working 365 days a year they are running a country not a 5th grade talent show. Thank you very much